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I have had the best experience here as someone who is incredibly scared of the dentist. It’s a small staff with a group of amazing and beyond supportive ladies! They work with dental anxiety so well! I would highly recommend!!

Danielle G.

Went to this dentist because I had 2 teeth that needed fillings. They had been bothering me for months. They not only diagnosed what to do but took care of the fillings and put in tooth colored material so they look natural.

Colleen S.

I hadn’t been to a Dentist since it was Miles Dental and I have to say that the new Dr and the staff are very
welcoming. They listened to my concerns and have been wonderful in addressing my concerns. Looking
forward to finally having a dental home!

Jennifer B.

I came to this place with dental emergency, and they made accommodations for my dental issue and also for my anxiety. A great bunch of ladies and I felt safe and in good care the whole time. They took really good care of me and made me feel normal.

Marlowe S.

This office is truly amazing. Walking in Gail the office manager is very nice and greets you. Not to mention the office is visually appealing, and made me feel so comfortable. The staff was my favorite part. Brianna cleaned my teeth, she is very good at what she does. Brianna explained everything in detailed and was very good with her education! Dr. Verma was so caring and sweet. The whole staff was a joy to be around and made my dental experience by far the best; especially since I don’t like going to the dentist. I recommend this office, they won’t disappoint.

Rachael S.

Staff is always kind, and helpful. I get all my cleanings, and fillings done there and never have had a problem. The two times I had cracked a tooth they were able to get me in almost immediately to get the tooth repaired. Would recommend their service to anybody!

Kyle L.

My visit at Antioch Advanced Dentistry was great! The people are kind and friendly and my exam and cleaning were very thorough. I appreciate that no excessive intervention is recommended unless it is seriously necessary. Really pleasant place!!

Jeanne C.

I hadn’t been to the dentist in roughly 7 years before my first appointment at Antioch advanced dentistry.
Needless to say I was very nervous. The staff at Antioch dentistry instantly made that nervousness go away from the second I stepped into the office.

J B.

The staff is incredibly kind, accommodating and helpful! When working with the hygienist and dentist, they make sure to explain what they’re doing and why they’re doing it.

Symone H.

I was extremely pleased with this dentist and the personal! Very professional and educated on care. Very clean and comfortable atmosphere and was absolutely pain free"! I was so nervous but they quickly put me at ease.

Michael H.

Great staff! I was made to feel very comfortable while I was there and all procedures and billing were explained to me thoroughly. The new dentist is terrific.

Mary Jordan

Our first visit was great! The entire staff was welcoming and knowledgeable. Dr Verma and our hygienist Bri made the visit so easy and fun for my kids.

Maggie G.

Wow Dr. Verma is truly one of a kind. She and Bree explained everything so throughly and answered any of my concerns with explanation and patience. So happy to have found a one of a kind dentist here in Antioch! Also, Gail offered me knowledgeable options for payment and really took my schedule into account for setting up appointments. Great, clean practice that was very well equipped.

Kimberly N.